I counted the number of videos on the first page and there are 34 videos and there are 17 pages. The first page doesn’t indicate how many videos are there in total under amateur gay porn. It has a lot of exclusive content, videos you won’t find on any other porn site. You know what that means, right? It means the amateur gay porn you’re going to find on this porn site is 100% real, genuine, and authentic! Everyday, normal people can take amateur sex videos of getting fucked in the ass, sometimes just using their cell phone camera, and upload it on this porn site! Just like ! Plus there’s an option to upload videos on. The best place to find genuine amateur gay porn is on normal porn sites that show everything. Today, we’re focusing on AMATEUR gay porn. Plus, the famous and most popular movies are featured on almost all the gay porn sites, so it can get a little repetitive.Īlso, gay porn sites usually focus on professionally made videos by famous porn stars. So why are we on for amateur gay porn when there are tons of porn sites dedicated to ONLY gay porn? Firstly, although there are porn sites dedicated to only gay porn, a lot of the times the video content is limited. It’s got a search bar at the top most of the page, where you can search for gay amateur. The whole site is a bold shade of blue, covering every part of your screen. BLUE!!!! That’s the first thing you’ll notice when you click on.